Train With Us

Pragmatic Fitness Designed For You

Full Body Stability

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Recovery & Holistic Health

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Movement, Games, & Obsticle Courses

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Fall Training

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Train With Us

Pragmatic fitness designed for you.

Improve your Daily:

  • Strength
  • Coordination
  • Mobility
  • Balance
  • Confidence
  • Stability

Make movement fun, challenging, and rewarding

About Us

Why we do what we do.

When we make movement fun and rewarding, something to be sought after, it changes our attitude towards physical challenges. It is the base of a healthy lifestyle, brightening our capabilities, building a strong and stable body, and providing a base for long term physical and mental health.

What We Offer

Full body stability:

Master your core strength, balance, awareness, and control.

Precision Balance Training:

Work your whole body by learning balance on rails and beams. Strengthen your full body control using unstable poses and surfaces.

Static: Practice stillness while grounding yourself on rails. Explore the precise movements of your body and play with your limits.

Dynamic: Learn how to jump from rail to rail or beam to beam. Enjoy obstacle courses while building confidence and learning precise movement to stick those landings.

Mind-Body Coordination:

Keep your mind strong as well as your body through all sorts of challenges. 


Move your body in fun ways, learn to explore your muscles and play with your newfound strength. Find doing sets in a gym boring? We’ll teach you to be creative with your body and have fun. Learn to gracefully move from one position to another and gain body awareness and control.

Recovery and Holistic Health:

Allow your body to feel great. We’ll talk about the many ways to recover after a tough workout.


We use active stretching to make flexibility achievable and keep your muscles healthy and limber. Aging doesn’t have to be scary when you train your body to stay mobile.

Nutrition Counseling:

What you put into your body is just like the fuel you put into your vehicle. Use the wrong ones or add contaminants, and it simply doesn’t run as well. We offer nutrition education to maximize your training program.

Movement Games and Obstacle Courses:

Playground and physical games aren’t just for kids. Your coach will challenge you while keeping things fun. You won’t fall into a boring routine, since each session will be a rewarding experience.

Fall Training:

Before you progress through technique-centered levels, we’ll show you how to fall correctly and absorb impact so injuries don’t happen.

How It Applies to Your Life

Proprioception: perception or awareness of the position and movement of the body.

Keep your body versatile and adaptable to its surroundings. Prepare yourself for unstable situations and protect yourself in the event of a fall.

Train with obstacles that teach you to move as one with your body, rather than isolating exercises to build a specific muscle.

You can do much more than you think you can.

Progressions and challenges will be designed to your level.

Meet The Coach

Erin is a movement enthusiast who has dabbled in many different movement schools over her lifetime. 

I began my movement journey as a competitive swimmer, then started strength training in the average gym setting at a young age. I trained with the Army for two years during a college program and fell in love with obstacle course training and functional fitness. I started rock climbing at the same time and as I quickly excelled in the sport, became a coach within a year. I coached competitive and recreational climbing from 2010 until 2019. I also trained Capoeira during College under a Mestre from São Paulo, Brazil. I have been a swim coach and instructor certified through SSI since in 2017. Apart from my professional coaching of swimming and climbing, I have been an obsessive mover for many years. I have personally trained in dance, gymnastics, parkour, fire spinning, fencing, calisthenics, and pole dance. Precise control over my own body and mobility into old age are my main goals. Health is key to a fulfilling life experience and I want to help you take care of your body too!

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